Category Princeton

Articles related to life at Princeton, the Ivy League, and other college matters.

The True Founding of Forbes

Being in Forbes can be a bit of a disappointment for those first-year students who dreamt of living at the heart of their school, but according to recent research, there is a hidden history behind the walk to these far-off dormitories.

Nassau Hall is Not a Dungeon

Occasionally through the course of your years at Princeton, you will see friends come and go, disappearing to reappear a year, two years, later. This is because they are simply “taking time off” to enrich their Princeton career with valuable…

How to Succeed in Precept (Without Really Trying)

Woodrow Wilson’s little-known fifteenth point was “there should be precepts,” and today he is remembered more for his dedication to the idea of student discussions than for his fervent anti-Semitism. Some find precepts a great forum for exchanging ideas, others find them an efficient means of identifying the biggest tools on campus, but whatever your opinion, you’re going to have to go to precept. Sometimes.