Category Politics

Insightful political reporting and commentary from the staff of the Tiger.

Obama Wins Peace Prize

The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Barack Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and” — wait, what?  Now don’t get me wrong, Obama seems all cool and stuff, but honestly, the man has been…

Swine Flu Threatens Bestiality Rights

Members of the administration as well as the health industry are cautioning the public against engaging in contact with pigs due to swine flu. Many Americans, however, are disturbed by where this might be going. Cletus Tatum, director of the…

FEMA’s New Children’s Stories

Last year, FEMA pulled their children’s coloring book about 9/11 from their website after a public outcry drew attention to the publication.  (Seriously.  We wish we were making this up.  On the plus side, potty training is easy when you…

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Solved

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a searing clash that has ripped the Middle East apart, cost countless lives and commanded the attention of the entire world… has been all sorted out. Six months ago, a poorly educated but eternally wise shepherd named…