Category Life

Stories about life today from staff of the Tiger.

How We Met

Three women share the rom-com worthy details of how they met their significant others. CYNTHIA Mark and I met at work. I was just making some copies in the copy room when he walked in carrying a big stack of…

Community Events This Month

Dec 16-17: Jingle and Mingle: Join Holly Parsons of WB4-North for the Annual “Jingle and Mingle.” Semi-formal dress encouraged. Cocktails provided. 7:30 p.m, La Quinta Inn Ballroom, 8700 Riverdale Ln., Merryville, $20, Dec. 18: Merryville Community Orchestra: Merryville High…

Extraterrestrial Contact

After yet another failed relationship, I knew that I needed to make a change in my life. I determined the solution to my problems: finding someone as far from my usual type as possible. That’s how I found Tom. Tom…