Study Abroad Tips

First, you need to make sure that study abroad will work with your major. Then, choose a country where you would like to study or use one of Princeton’s own programs. I did Princeton In Southern Switzerland, or PISS as…
First, you need to make sure that study abroad will work with your major. Then, choose a country where you would like to study or use one of Princeton’s own programs. I did Princeton In Southern Switzerland, or PISS as…
Razor Scooter Razor scooters are dope as heck. Will Krantz’s mom let him get one last Christmas and he can already do wheelies on his. It’s so tight. If you want to get one, it’s actually pretty easy. Basically, just…
Go to class Go to the right class Remember that large lectures can’t be missed but nobody will notice if you skip precept Make the kid with the glasses be your lab partner Find your “Hermione” Find a nice place…
As you begin your first semester here at Princeton, you’ll be introduced to a type of class known as the “precept.” You’re probably wondering what exactly a “precept” is. Well, it’s actually very similar to a discussion section. Now you’re…