


I’ve been doing some contract work lately. Anscombe Society stuff. Why? Cause I’m the best in the biz, that’s why. I’ve been preventing hookups since you were wearing diapers, kid. I’m a professional. They call me “The Blocker.”

Ask Dr. Sex

A lot of people have asked me where my favorite place to do the sex is. I always tell these people that there is no place better than Prospect Garden. But it is no easy task because I assume that you want to keep it a secret from onlookers and P-Safe. Let me take a couple of moments to explain the best strategy.

The True Founding of Forbes

Being in Forbes can be a bit of a disappointment for those first-year students who dreamt of living at the heart of their school, but according to recent research, there is a hidden history behind the walk to these far-off dormitories.