- Remember the lyrics to ‘Stand by Me’ to the melody of ‘Lean on Me’
- Yell people’s names, or a name that starts with the same first letter as their name, or a name that bears no similarity to their name
- Describe inanimate things as bros
- Play Air Drums
- Walk in front of vehicles and, when they stop, call them out on it
- Have conversations with himself in the mirror
- Argue against your characterization of Squirtle as ‘The gay man’s choice’
- Mistake the Donut cabinet at the convenience store for a Hey, a free donut machine! at the convenience store
- Look people in the eye to very seriously note ‘no way man, be smart, there will be no driving going on here tonight’
- Ask the bouncers what they wanted to be when they grew up
AM ’14
Photo: Ed Kelley ’13